First Glance: I'm not lying

If you still have any lingering doubts that Hyundai can produce a decent car, you need to check out the Genesis, a full-size luxury sedan that comes frighteningly close to out-Lexusing the Lexus LS460. The Genesis is big, beautiful, quiet and smooth, and since it's a Hyundai at heart, it's a great deal -- $33,000 for starters and $42,000 with goodies like a leather-covered dash, dial-operated navigation system, a 17-speaker stereo by Lexicon (the folks that make sound systems for Rolls-Royce), and a fantastic 375 hp V8. Frankly, this car would make the Best Of list no matter who built it -- but I just love the fact that it's a Hyundai.
Allow me to start with a disclaimer: I am not lying. I am only pointing that out because I expect a large number of readers not to believe me when I talk about how good the Hyundai Genesis is. There are a lot of people who are convinced that Hyundai simply cannot build a decent car. Not that I blame them; twenty years ago Hyundai was peddling the Excel, a car that cost $45 to build and was made out of compressed squirrel turds. Who in their right mind would believe that Hyundai could come so far, so fast? (Answer: Anyone who's bought a Hyundai in the last 3 or 4 years, but that's another discussion.)
For those who are inclined to believe me, I'll give you the short version: The Genesis Sedan is a Lexus. It drives like a Lexus. It coddles you like a Lexus. It even smells like a Lexus. It's a $33,000 Lexus, unless you go for the V8 model, in which case it's a $38,000 Lexus with the engine from a $60,000 Mercedes. Have I convinced you? Good. Stop reading and go buy one. Go on, I'll wait.
Still skeptical? OK, guess we'll have to take the long road. But if you're waiting for the other shoe to drop -- for me to write something like "It all seems very Lexus-like, until you look under the dashboard and discover that the electrical components are made of paper-mâché" -- you're going to be sorely disappointed. Towards the end I might wax a bit clairvoyant and ponder the wisdom of selling a luxury car for thousands less than it's actually worth, but other than that, it's going to be all sunshine and daisies. Don't say I didn't warn you.